Singapore Liquidator Glossary – Singapore Ministry of Manpower (MOM)

Singapore Liquidator Glossary - Singapore Ministry of Manpower (MOM)

As a Singapore liquidator navigating the intricate world of insolvency, understanding the role of key institutions like Singapore Ministry of Manpower (MOM) is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into who MOM is, their role in the context of liquidation services in Singapore, and how you can efficiently reach out to them.


As a Singapore liquidator navigating the intricate world of insolvency, understanding the role of key institutions like Singapore Ministry of Manpower (MOM) is essential
As a Singapore liquidator navigating the intricate world of insolvency, understanding the role of key institutions like Singapore Ministry of Manpower (MOM) is essential

Who is MOM

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) in Singapore plays a pivotal role in overseeing various aspects of labor relations, employment practices, and workforce development in the country. Established with the mission to foster a competitive workforce and a harmonious workplace environment, MOM serves as the central regulatory authority for businesses and employees alike. As part of its multifaceted responsibilities, MOM also extends its purview to certain aspects of company liquidation, particularly concerning the rights and entitlements of employees affected by such processes.

MOM’s primary objectives revolve around ensuring fair employment practices, safeguarding the well-being of workers, and fostering a conducive environment for sustainable economic growth. By implementing policies, regulations, and initiatives tailored to address the evolving needs of the labor market, MOM endeavors to uphold Singapore’s reputation as a global hub for commerce, innovation, and talent.

In this article, we delve into the role of MOM in the context of company liquidation, exploring its functions, responsibilities, and the assistance it offers to stakeholders involved in the process. By understanding MOM’s role and the resources it provides, businesses can navigate the challenges of company liquidation with greater clarity and compliance, thereby fostering a fair and equitable outcome for all parties involved.

MOM's Roles in Company Liquidation

In the context of company liquidation, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) plays a crucial role in safeguarding the rights and interests of employees affected by the process. While MOM’s primary focus lies in labor relations and employment practices, its involvement in company liquidation stems from its commitment to ensuring fair treatment of workers during times of organizational change.

Employee Rights Protection:

MOM ensures that employees’ rights are protected throughout the liquidation process. This includes safeguarding their entitlements to wages, benefits, and statutory compensation as prescribed by Singapore’s employment laws.

Notification and Consultation:

Employers are required to notify MOM of impending company liquidation, especially if it involves mass retrenchment or significant workforce reduction. MOM may facilitate consultations between employers and affected employees to discuss their rights, entitlements, and potential re-employment opportunities.

Retrenchment Benefits and Assistance:

MOM provides guidance on retrenchment benefits and assists employees in understanding their entitlements under the law. This includes ensuring proper calculation and payment of retrenchment benefits, as well as facilitating access to retraining programs or employment assistance schemes for affected workers.

Fair Employment Practices:

MOM monitors employers’ adherence to fair employment practices during the liquidation process, ensuring that decisions regarding employee termination are made objectively and without discrimination. Employers are expected to comply with MOM’s guidelines on fair retrenchment practices to minimize adverse impacts on affected employees.

Workforce Transition Support:

MOM may collaborate with other government agencies and industry stakeholders to provide support for workforce transition and reintegration. This may involve offering career counseling services, job matching assistance, or skills upgrading programs to help affected employees secure alternative employment opportunities.


Overall, MOM’s role in company liquidation revolves around upholding the principles of fairness, transparency, and compassion in managing workforce transitions. By working closely with employers, employees, and relevant stakeholders, MOM seeks to mitigate the social and economic impacts of company liquidation while promoting a resilient and adaptable labor market.

Contacting MOM

If businesses or individuals require assistance or information regarding company liquidation or any other labor-related matters, they can contact the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) through the following channels:

MOM Contact Center:

Hotline: 6438 5122 (Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM)

Email: mo******@mo*.sg

MOM Service Centers:

MOM service centers are located across Singapore and provide in-person assistance for various employment and labor-related inquiries. Visit the MOM website for the nearest service center and operating hours.

Online Services:

MOM offers a range of online services, including e-services and digital resources, for accessing information, submitting applications, and seeking assistance on labor-related matters. Visit the MOM website for more information on available online services.

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