Singapore Liquidator Glossary – Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS)

Singapore Liquidator Glossary - Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS)

As a Singapore liquidator navigating the intricate world of insolvency, understanding the role of key institutions like the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into who IRAS is, their role in the context of liquidation services in Singapore, and how you can efficiently reach out to them.

As a Singapore liquidator navigating the intricate world of insolvency, understanding the role of key institutions like the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) is essential.
As a Singapore liquidator navigating the intricate world of insolvency, understanding the role of key institutions like the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) is essential.

Who is IRAS

The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) is the country’s tax authority, entrusted with the responsibility of administering the nation’s tax policies and collecting taxes from both companies and individuals. Established with the vision of fostering a competitive tax environment conducive to nation-building, IRAS plays a pivotal role in Singapore’s economic landscape.

IRAS' Role with Liquidated Companies

In the unfortunate event of a company liquidation, IRAS assumes a critical role in facilitating the necessary tax procedures and ensuring compliance with Singapore’s tax regulations. Here’s how IRAS supports liquidated companies:

Tax Assessments

IRAS conducts tax assessments to ascertain the tax liabilities of the liquidated company. This involves evaluating the company’s financial records and assets submitted by the liquidator to determine its tax obligations. Should everything pass, IRAS will issue a final tax clearance for the company.

Tax Settlements

Once the tax liabilities are determined, IRAS collaborates with the liquidator to facilitate the settlement of taxes owed by the company. This ensures that outstanding tax payments are made in accordance with Singapore’s tax laws.

Compliance Assistance

IRAS provides guidance and assistance to both the liquidator and the company undergoing liquidation to ensure compliance with tax regulations throughout the liquidation process.

IRAS and GST for Liquidated Companies

During the liquidation process, IRAS assumes a crucial role in managing Goods and Services Tax (GST) matters for the company undergoing liquidation. Here’s a closer look at IRAS’s involvement:

Assessing GST Liabilities

IRAS conducts a thorough assessment of the company’s GST liabilities as part of the liquidation process. This involves reviewing the company’s financial records and transactions to determine any outstanding GST obligations.

Ensuring Compliance with GST Regulations

IRAS ensures that the liquidated company complies with all GST regulations throughout the liquidation process. This includes adherence to filing requirements, payment of outstanding GST liabilities, and compliance with any GST reporting obligations.

Providing Guidance and Support

IRAS offers guidance and support to both the liquidator and the company regarding GST matters during liquidation. This may involve clarifying GST regulations, assisting with GST filings, and addressing any queries or concerns related to GST compliance.

IRAS and Tax Clearances for Employees of Liquidation Companies

In addition to overseeing company tax matters, IRAS facilitates tax clearances for employees affected by the liquidation of companies. Here’s how IRAS supports employees during the liquidation process:

Issuance of Tax Clearance Certificates

IRAS facilitates the issuance of tax clearance certificates for employees of liquidated companies. These certificates verify that employees have fulfilled their tax obligations and are clear of any outstanding tax liabilities related to their employment with the company.

Providing Guidance on Tax Obligations

IRAS offers guidance and assistance to employees regarding their tax obligations during the liquidation process. This may include advising employees on tax filing requirements, clarifying tax implications of severance packages or redundancy payments, and addressing any tax-related queries or concerns.

Ensuring Timely Tax Documentation

IRAS works to ensure that employees receive timely and accurate tax documentation as part of the liquidation process. This includes providing tax statements, withholding tax certificates, and any other relevant tax documents necessary for employees to fulfill their tax obligations.

How to Contact IRAS

Navigating the intricacies of tax matters during company liquidation may seem daunting, but IRAS offers accessible avenues for assistance. Here’s how you can reach out to IRAS:

Online Resources:

IRAS’s official website ( serves as a comprehensive resource hub, offering a wealth of information on tax policies, guidelines, and procedures. Individuals can access a range of online tools and resources to address their queries.


IRAS operates a dedicated helpline to assist taxpayers with their queries and concerns. Individuals can reach out to IRAS via phone at 1800 356 8300 during operating hours for personalized assistance.

Email Correspondence:

For specific inquiries or assistance, individuals can also contact IRAS via email at ta******@ir**.sg. IRAS’s customer service team strives to provide timely and accurate responses to queries sent via email.

In conclusion, IRAS plays a pivotal role in supporting liquidated companies through the tax complexities inherent in the liquidation process. By understanding IRAS’s role and leveraging the available channels for assistance, companies undergoing liquidation can navigate the tax landscape with confidence and compliance.


Disclaimer: This article serves as a general guide and does not constitute professional tax advice. For specific inquiries regarding tax matters related to company liquidation, it is advisable to consult with a qualified tax advisor or legal expert.

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