All You Need to Know about Winding up Company Singapore – Simple Guide from a Liquidation Advisor

All You Need to Know about Winding up Company Singapore - Simple Guide from a Liquidation Advisor

The process of winding up company Singapore, also known as liquidation, is a critical procedure that requires careful planning and adherence to legal standards. This guide offers a comprehensive look at the process, focusing on liquidation services in Singapore and the role of Singapore licensed insolvency practitioners.

Winding up company Singapore involves dissolving the entity and distributing its assets
Winding up company Singapore involves dissolving the entity and distributing its assets

Understanding Winding Up Company Singapore

Winding up company Singapore involves dissolving the entity and distributing its assets. This can be a voluntary process initiated by shareholders or a compulsory one driven by creditors through court orders.

  1. Strike Off: This method is used for dissolving a company that is not carrying on business and does not have outstanding liabilities. A company can apply to the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in Singapore for strike off if it meets specific criteria, such as having no outstanding debts and not being involved in any legal proceedings. Also, the directors of the company are personally still liable for the company for up to 6 years following the strike off completion.
  1. Members’ Voluntary Winding Up: Applicable for solvent companies. Directors must submit a Declaration of Solvency.
  1. Creditors’ Voluntary Winding Up: Used when a company is insolvent and cannot pay its debts. Creditors have a significant role in this process.

The Role of Insolvency Practitioners

Licensed insolvency practitioners in Singapore oversee the winding-up process. They ensure compliance with legal requirements and manage the distribution of assets.

Legal Framework

The Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018 is the primary legislation governing the winding-up of companies in Singapore. It provides comprehensive guidelines on the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved.

Detailed Steps in the Winding Up Process

  • Appointment of a Liquidator: The liquidator must be a licensed insolvency practitioner.
  • Ceasing Business Operations: The company stops its business activities, except those necessary for liquidation.
  • Liquidation of Assets: The liquidator is tasked with selling off the company’s assets to settle debts.
  • Settling Debts: Priority is given to secured creditors, followed by unsecured creditors.
  • Distribution of Remaining Assets: Any surplus assets are distributed among shareholders.
  • Final Meetings and Dissolution: The liquidator holds final meetings with shareholders and creditors before the company is dissolved.
  • In-Depth Legal Considerations
  • Declaration of Solvency: Essential for a members’ voluntary winding up.
  • Role of Creditors: In a creditors’ voluntary winding up, creditors can appoint a liquidator and influence the liquidation process.
  • Compliance with the Act: Companies must strictly follow the procedures outlined in the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act.

Choosing the Right Liquidator & Practical Tips for a Smooth Process

Selecting a reputable and experienced liquidation service is crucial. It’s important to choose a practitioner who is knowledgeable about Singapore’s legal landscape.

Detailed Record-Keeping: Maintain accurate records for a smooth liquidation process.

Clear Communication: Ensure transparent communication with all stakeholders.

Timely Decision-Making: Swift decisions can prevent further financial deterioration.


Winding up company Singapore requires a thorough understanding of the legal procedures and a structured approach. Engaging with experienced liquidation services and licensed insolvency practitioners is crucial for ensuring compliance and efficiency in this process.

Guardian Advisory - Singapore Insolvency Practitioner

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